Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Trumpian comfort

It's no wonder the Donald has not been calling the families of American servicemen and women who were KIA.  When he finally called the pregnant wife of one of the soldiers killed in Niger almost 2 weeks ago, he was quoted as saying "he knew what he signed up for".  This a new low, even for Orange Narcissus.  A sensitivity trainer would run, screaming from the White House after a session with the current obviously soulless occupant.  I'm not sure the right wing media will have the stones to smear the grieving widow and her two small children in service to tRump, but no doubt some stories will be written denigrating the service of a black man and questioning the woman's motives for revealing the extent of the *president's lack of empathy.  I'm reasonably sure his staff will write some stock comforting words for Cheeto Jesus to parrot to other grieving families.   It may not sound sincere, but at least it won't rub salt into their wounds.

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