Tuesday, October 10, 2017

It's a Corker!

Thanks to a taste for retirement, Sen. Bob Corker is able to speak his true feelings for the Moron-In_Chief without fear of campaign reprisals by the minions of Cheeto Jesus.  He says most of his caucus feels the same way, and the lack of condemnation by fellow senators speaks volumes.  Unfortunately, as one congressman pointed out, anyone running for re-election cannot be so candid without risking a war on Twitter which will enrage the mouth breathing base of the party.   However, at a certain point, the risk of this monstrously unqualified president starting a war demands rejection by his own party.  There is no way democrats can do anything about this omnipresent danger to world peace before the next election.  Republicans are only constrained by their political calculations.  However, with the tRump's approval ratings in the low 30s, there may never be a better time for these "summer soldiers and sunshine patriots" to come to the defense of their country.

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