Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The NFL and violence

While it is hard to feel sorry for former Raven's running back Ray Rice, I wonder how many other NFL stars would be out of work if surveillance cameras were trained on them at inopportune times.  The problem America's most successful sport's league has to deal with is the glorification of violence.  From pee wee leagues through Friday night high school games to the Sunday afternoon pro games, the players are exhorted to hit harder and make spectacularly violent plays.  Last year, the head trauma problem was exposed.   This year it seems domestic violence will be spotlighted.  How many hits can football's reputation take?   After seeing non-stop replays of Rice's brutal punch out of his fiance', it was hard to watch the Monday night game without thinking about the potential for any athlete on the field to be the subject of another video.   When you glorify violence, look the other way at the use of drugs which exacerbate the problem and do little or nothing when it spills into private lives, you can expect more Ray Rice type videos in the future.

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