Friday, September 19, 2014

Frosty start

We'll see later today just how frosty it was this morning.  It was a little above freezing at 6 a.m., but I'm sure we dipped a couple of degrees before the sun started to warm things up again.  I didn't bother to cover anything except some basil in a cold frame, so the summer squash is probably toast.  Hopefully the peppers and tomatoes survived, otherwise the offerings for the famers' market are going to be mostly hardy stuff like kale, broccoli and potatoes.  I think the lettuce will be OK since the last plantings are in a relatively protected location.  It's still way to early to experience this degree of cold.  There are still a lot of growing days left this fall.  The weather people are predicting 75 degree temps and thunderstorms for the weekend!

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