Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Crisis Du Jour

Ebola, jihad, nuclear proliferation, North Korea, the economy, climate change.   If you are the president, take your pick of crises to deal with.  It seems the modus for the 21st century is to lurch from one bad situation to the next with no time for reflection, only the demand to do something, anything.  Then the blame game starts.  Congress spends most of its time avoiding responsibility for anything and blaming everything on the White House.  The coming election promise an even more gridlocked situation.  It would seem the nation has decided to hold its collective breath until 2016.  I hope things are not at a critical juncture at that time.  As the pressure mounts, will people demand a "strong" leader who will provide certainty at the cost of liberty.  I hope not, but seeing the quality of our elected congresscritters, I wouldn't bet the farm on democracy.

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