Friday, September 26, 2014

Killing browns and blahs

Well, we seem to have cranked up the killing machine in the Middle East again.  Airstrikes on the newest enemy to replace the Saddams and Al Queadas we had been killing up until now.  Pretty soon, the boots will hit the ground and Americans will start dying.  The Masters of War are already rubbing their hands together as profits soar.  Meanwhile, here in Murica, young black men are dying at the hands of the police in what seems to be record numbers.  However, I think the more likely explanation is in the wake of the Trayvon Martin incident and Michael Brown killing in Ferguson, Mo., the media has heightened our awareness of just how dangerous it is to be young and black in 21st century America.  So, all in all it is shaping up to be a good decade for haters and war profiteers.  What a world!

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