Wednesday, September 17, 2014

People Power

In today's NYT, Mark Bittman does a little publicity for a people's march against climate change which is happening this weekend in the city.   This, against the backdrop of a climate change summit at the UN next week.   As we all know, the UN is a toothless tiger which will put on a show, with little or no effect on the single biggest crisis facing humanity.  As he points out, massive marches for or against any issue rarely have an immediate impact.  However, they do begin to move policy over time.  The problem is we don't have a lot of time to affect the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and unfortunately we still have a large percentage of the population who either don't believe the science or despair of being able to do anything in time.  I have to admit I am sometimes in the despair camp.  But with  my beautiful little granddaughter lighting up my life, I think  it is time to start becoming active in the fight for a livable planet for the next generation.  Please join and start making noise to our elected officials about actually doing the job of planning for the future instead of cowering before corporate giants.  Which is more important, Exxon-Mobil's quarterly profits or Hannah's future?

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