Thursday, September 11, 2014

Same old, same old

I'm sure the stocks of munitions manufacturers are soaring this morning as we get back into the business of blowing up people and real estate in the middle east.  Although most intelligence agencies have concluded ISIS is not an immediate threat to the US, the drumbeat to do something, anything is overwhelming the administration and those who have urged caution.  Because 2 American journalists were brutally murdered, we now have to spend billions and expose thousands of servicemen to danger.  It's a shame we couldn't summon such an outpouring of righteous anger when an unarmed teen was shot by a policeman in our own country.  While the two incidents may not be comparable, the reactions to them are certainly not.  I for one am tired of the relentless war brought on by our past foreign policy blunders.  Let's rethink our policies instead of killing more people.

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