Friday, July 18, 2014

The Big Dry Out

It has been a long time coming, but the heavy clay soils in the back gardens are finally drying out.  As June ended the area was a veritable swamp and anything planted out there struggled (even the weeds) to stay alive.  Of course working soil in wet conditions leads to other problems when they dry out.  Even with the organic matter I have worked into the garden over the years, it will turn to an imitation of concrete over the next week or so.   Then it will be a race to see if the roots can reach down to moisture of will they be blocked by the hardening soils.  At least the fall crops I am planting now will be on well worked ground which will hold moisture if we have a dry August and Sept.  The other big bonus of drier weather is there will be less grass to mow and that less often.

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