Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Here we go again

The keyboard commandos are out in force once again, complaining the President isn't doing enough saber rattling to suit their idea of what US leadership in world should look and sound like.  Evidently there isn't a situation John McCain thinks couldn't be improved by a little American ordnance raining down on the heads of whoever is the enemy of the week.   If we had followed his advice, we would be arming or actively fighting in Syria, Iran, Iraq and Ukraine and who knows how many other places.   The idea Uncle Sam is the colossus straddling the world and forcing everyone to bend the knee is beyond parody at this point.  Ten years in Iraq and 14 in Afghanistan, not to mention Viet-Nam should surely have shown the limits of the bomb around the clock mentality these chicken hawks possess.   I think the military-industrial complex has truly taken over the foreign policy portfolio of the Repubs.  We can only hope the Dems are not so easily seduced.

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