Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cooperation, not cooption

The pundit class in D.C. and New York are whining about the "nadir of the west" in the wake of the latest Malaysia airlines crash.  The plane, probably brought down by a missile directed by Russian-Ukrainian separatists who were in turn guided by Moscow, is exhibit A in the indictment of Euro-American wimps.   In some neverland of macho American presidential leadership, something like this could never have happened.  As a matter of fact, from the Berlin airlift, to the French debacle in Viet-Nam to America's ignominious retreat from that country, the West has continually shown the limits of gunboat diplomacy.  By pulling the teeth of the U.N. with the Security Council veto, the US decided to eschew international cooperation and look where it has gotten us over the past 70 years.  We cannot be the world's policeman.  However, with the help of like minded world citizens, we can lead a coalition to make a better planet.  President Obama has made some tentative steps in that direction, but these policies will only work if America can get over itself and its ludicrous  claim to an exceptionalism which exists in the minds of people who should know better.

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