Thursday, July 3, 2014

Crops gone wild

Well, not quite, but the warm weather has put a charge into many warm weather veg.  The Divine Mrs. M picked some sugar snap peas for supper last night and they will really produce in the next few days.  The lima beans have sprouted and the peppers and tomatoes have really jumped over the last few days.  I made new plantings of beets, radishes, scallions, rutabagas and fennel ahead of today's predicted showers.  The soil is still a little wet, but it won't get any drier today.  The corn has started to throw up a tassel and is well ahead of the old saw "knee high by the 4th of July".  The only casualty of the warmer weather is the lettuce plantings which are rapidly coming together.  I'll probably lose one this week. 

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