Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Newest arrival

I wrote about the arrival of little Hannah Grace on Monday, but for some reason, blogger failed to publish.   Let me repeat:  She is a beautiful healthy little girl and the whole family (both sides) is totally smitten with her.  Mother an daughter are home and doing well and I'm sure everyone will eventually get tired of frequent updates regarding conditions at the Rock household.  The Divine Mrs. M spent a few minutes with them last night and reported with photographic evidence that Hannah is cuter than ever.  Meanwhile, I was out digging the last of the soft neck garlic.  I had intended to start the main crop of hardneck, but it seems a little green yet, so I'll give it another week or so.  Reading about timing of harvest has made me nervous, because as many years as I have been growing garlic, I have often missed what is a very short window for harvesting optimum quality.  Leave it in the ground for a couple of extra days and the stalks break off, exposing the cloves and shortening the life of the bulb.  Harvest too early and the cloves are prone to decay.  The window to harvest seems to be in the range of 3 to 7 days.  I can only hope for good weather when it arrives.

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