Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sympathy for the devil

Like America after 9/11, Israel received an outpouring of world sympathy after 3 Israeli teens were kidnapped and murdered by a Palestinian group probably allied with Hamas.  Also, like the US, they have squandered the world's goodwill by pulverizing the Gaza strip and killing more than 100 civilians as they respond to rocket attacks from idiots who obviously don't care about their own casualties.  While I understand the ethos which drives these draconian responses, I think the country has taken the wrong response to terror.  America did the same thing after the WTC attacks.  Instead of lashing out like a wounded animal, a magnanimous response, coupled with police and detective work to bring the actual killers to justice would have increased the reservoir of good will and kept Israel on the moral high ground.  Instead, we have images of dead children who were playing on a beach. 

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