Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Whining for water

A quick review of the last few posts on this blog show a patter of whining for perfect gardening conditions.  I must be turning into a farmer!  As I was scratching around in the dry dirt planting fall spinach and turnips this evening, I had the germ of an idea for a novel.  As Texas continues to burn up and bake in triple digit heat, Rick Perry declares war on Michigan and leads the Texas Rangers (not the baseball team) and Chuck Norris in a desperate attempt to steal the water in Lake Michigan and pump it to Dallas.  Obviously I did not hydrate enough before proceeding to the garden.   Seriously, if the drought over the southern half of the country continues through the winter, water may become the new oil, and many of the water rich, rust belt states may decide to pump water to the south if the price is right.  It would be a big mistake, but money talks.

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