Tuesday, August 16, 2011

pre birth conditioning for veggies

A recent NPR report says fetuses can taste what their mothers are eating.  Amniotic fluid, which the baby drinks as much as 4 tablespoons per day, is flavored by the foods the mother eats.  Garlic is easily detectable, as are many other foods.  An experiment with carrots showed that women who drank carrot juice every day while pregnant and ate carrots while breast feeding transferred  a preference for the vegetable to their children.  I can tell you that did not happen for my wife and our third daughter.  Faith ate her veggies every day and we made sure she ate well while breast feeding.  However, my daughter hates 90% of all vegetables (or so she says).  The other two young ladies could be used to argue the truth of the aforementioned study, so I guess as the song goes, "Two out of three ain't bad".

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