Tuesday, August 16, 2011

half a loaf

Or to be more accurate 3/4 of an inch of rain.  It's a lot better than nothing, but still not a drought breaker.  We are starting to get to the limit on a few crops which need a good wet to make a crop.  Winter squash, late corn and peppers to name a few.  The cole crops look good, but are stalling and they will run out of time also, unless we have a very long fall.  That is not an outcome I would bet on in the North Country.  I am still planting spinach, turnips and some oddball items like rappini to see how they do.  Actually, I just like to keep planting seeds for as long as possible.  To me there are few things more satisfying than preparing a neat seedbed and coming back a few days later to see the straight lines of seedlings standing at attention.  Bad things can happen along the way, but a newly sprouted bed of seedlings is one of the things that get my juices flowing.

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