Monday, August 8, 2011

excuses etc.

One of the worst things about being in a weather disaster area is the lack of empathy from people outside.  We are in a slow motion drought disaster here, but it is fairly local.  If you drive an hour in any direction there is plenty of moisture, so very few people know or care we are very dry.  It is affecting quality and availability of many items.  Unfortunately, prices for most vegetables are low right now.  Most people could not care less about your problems.  If you have a good price and good quality you can sell.  If you whine about your problems, you will most likely have your product in inventory at the end of the day.  On the other hand, your growers expect a bigger than normal return to make up for the smaller yields they are experiencing.  Lots of luck explaining the vagaries of the market to either side of the buy/sell equation.

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