Thursday, August 25, 2011

crazy busy

No post yesterday due to crazy business.  The phone rarely stopped ringing and it was not good most of the time.  Because of the imminent hurricane, produce people are into guessing game regarding sales and deliveries.  For every extra order they put in someone else cancels.  So it seems as if you are twice as busy as normal, and you are, but not in a good way.  Meanwhile, Mother Nature continues to abuse the garden.  There is a 70% chance of rain today, but lately that means we will be in the 30% bracket.  One good rain would make a world of difference as we head toward Sept., but I don't want to hope Irene turns north and hits us, as we would get the high winds and uncertain rainfall.  I remember one storm that hit Long Island in the 70's when we got virtually no rain and high winds which transported salt spray inland and burned all the late summer veg.

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