Thursday, August 18, 2011

Minimal wages

The times has a he says/she says piece today about illegal immigrants and the price of fruits and vegetables.  Predictably, the state school economists for Cal. and Washington moan about the problems facing farmers and the more independent economists discounting the problem of finding Americans to do the jobs if illegals are out.  The fundamental problem these people have is they have never done the jobs in question, or they would not be so dismissive.  There needs to be a discussion in this country about a two tier minimum wage.  The present wage for 14-18 year olds and and a living wage for those older than the teenage worker.  And then no unemployment or welfare benefits if those jobs are available.  Then we can see if American workers are hungry enough to pick fruit and vegetables.  I know it sounds like some Republican manifesto, but the typical right winger would keep the same wages in place and cut the social safety net.  I just think we need to incentivize workers with a combination of carrots and sticks.

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