Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summertime and the living is hectic

For the gardener and farmer summer is the illusion of time.  The sun comes up at 4:30 a.m. here in the north country, and stays in the sky until 9:30 p.m.  That should be plenty of time to get everything done....not!  The extra time just tempts you to try more things and expand committments to unrelated pursuits.  18 holes of golf, no problem, paint the back porch, I'm on it.  Plant the fall crops before it's too late, hey I've got a long weekend coming up.  It's  been the downfall of many a summer.  As a kid, I had to work on the farm all summer, 7 days a week until school started.  I guess that trained me into thinking summer was all about how much work you could squeeze into however many daylight hours were available.  I doubt I will change much when retirement beckons.  I'll still plan for more than I can possibly accomplish.

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