Saturday, June 4, 2011

Planting madness

The garden is drying out reasonably well, so it is time to push the panic button and try to jam as much into the ground as my middle aged body can handle.  Not only that, but try to fertilize and weed all the beds that I did manage to get planted during the deluge.  It's not a pretty sight, but with a little luck, we may get back onto some sort of schedule.  Most of the older plantings look yellow and tired, but aerating the soil and fertilizing will bring most of it back.  Lake Champlain is still 2 feet over flood stage, so many people don't have these options.  Farmers near the lake will be making some difficult decisions over the next couple of weeks.  At least I'll get the tomatoes in this weekend, and the peppers next week.  Then at least it will feel like a real season.

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