Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back to the wet

Little bit of rainy weather this afternoon and evening, but it's not enough to wet the top 2 inches where it is dry.  There is excellent subsoil moisture, so all we need is one good rain and then back to sunny weather.  Instead, we will get 3 days of drizzle which will lead to disease and halt growth.  On top of that I found out this week that we are either already there or will soon be under siege by the leek moth.  What is a leek moth you say.  It is an alien invader from the south of England which has an appetite for the allium family.  In other words, it will munch on leeks, onions, garlic and any other member of the family and for us organic types, there is very little to do except cover the beds with  spun bonded polyester or trap the males before they mate.  The female will then lay a couple of hundred eggs on the nearest onion plant and the offspring will reproduce two more generations before frost.  Oh joy!

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