Friday, June 17, 2011

employment anyone?

With unemployment stuck at over 9%, there are a lot of people out there who need something to do.  It may be a little late here in the north country and indeed anywhere north of the mason dixon line, but what about establishing community gardens throughout the country.  The federal government could provide the seed money to lease the land and hire management to set up the gardens.  Local governments could establish the infrastructure.  The unemployed would have first crack at the new gardens.  With a little training and some seed and fertilizer this new generation of back to the landers could provide healthy food for themselves and possibly sell some surplus through a CSA or farmer's market.  Not to mention they would cultivate a taste for vegetables that should carry over when this crisis is over and they gain employment in the traditional economy.   Or perhaps we could generate a new cohort of farmers closer to the centers of population than is now the case. 

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