Monday, June 13, 2011

political ironies of the veg business

One of the reasons I chose to get into the veg brokerage business 27 years ago was the inherent altruism (or so I thought) of the endeavor.  What could be more socially enlightened than providing health giving veggies to the masses.  My first boss and patron saint of this eponymous blog was a living, breathing role model.  Jerry Shulman was interested in making a profit, but he also felt that he was providing a necessary service with a health benefit.  He was proud of what he did every day.  I still am, but I now see what eventually drove him to retire.  Too many people we deal with every day could just as easily be manufacturing or selling nuts and bolts or Veg-a-matics.   We try to project our product as a healthy choice, but sometimes it seems like a cynical marketing ploy.  I guess I'm just a granola eating hippie wannabe lost in a Republican wilderness of moral ambiguity.

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