Thursday, June 16, 2011

Quiet before the storm

Weather is beautiful, crops are doing well, but where are the customers?  Calling to various locations up and down the east coast this morning and everyone telling me business is slow.  So the old excuses about the weather don't work.  I think part of it is the economy, and part exhaustion.  The people with time to prepare fresh veg don't have the money, or the expertise.  The people who may have the money from the two or three jobs they are working don't have the time, so are opting for fast food or prepared meals.  Of course, both groups would save money by eating fresh, but education at point of purchase is woefully lacking.  The generation coming of age now has a high proportion of people who never learned how to cook, and are looking for cheap and fast alternatives to the traditional sit down dinner with family.  This is a trend which either needs to be fought by the fresh veg industry or embraced and channeled by fresh, easy to prepare offerings.  Simple foods, prepared simply.

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