Thursday, December 21, 2023

time to put on the curmudgeon hat

        The Divine Mrs. M. and I escort a couple of our grandchildren to their school which is across the street from our house.  Today was "pajama day" at school, so the kids came decked out in their best seasonal sleepwear.  Today's schedule includes minimal learning and a  holiday movie.

      I contrasted this in my mind with my own experience as a 4th grader in 1960 or 61.  Christmas was not nearly the deal it is today, especially at St. John the Evangelist school.   Sister Redempta had no use for the commercial aspect of the holiday and she certainly did not let it interrupt the learning process.  We had an assembly and sang a few Christmas carols, but that was the extent of our holiday celebration.  

     Every generation is doomed to this sort of introspection on various aspects of growing up in America.  Our own children probably will pontificate on the excesses of the next generation when they reach their 70's.   Dog only knows what their grandchildren will be doing to celebrate Christmas.

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