Friday, December 15, 2023

An imperfect world

       We live in an imperfect world .  The trouble is many believe a perfect world is possible and in so doing, they reject the world as it is, adopting an ideology they would normally find offensive.  That is the reason many on the extreme left have migrated to the political right wing.  They are searching and the right offers the rosy view of a past that never was. 

       This is the thesis of Michelle Goldberg's column in the NYT today.   I agree with part of her take on the subject, but I think she is missing part of the allure the right exerts on people.  In a word, it's money that powers the right wing today, whether in politics or lifestyle.   Why be a voice, crying in the wilderness, when you can have a lifestyle off the rich and famous.   All you have to do is embrace the theology of 1950's era nostalgia and the cash spigot will open.

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