Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Supreme suspense

        It looks like the Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding presidential immunity in the coming weeks.   Special Prosecutor Jack Smith short circuited the appeals process tRump and his lawyers were counting on to delay his trial in DC until after the election.  

      The crux of tRump's case is the assertion that Presidents, like Kings in the 14th century could not be held liable for crimes committed during their reign.   A cursory acquaintance with the Constitution would tell you the Founders would have thought it beyond belief for someone to assert royal privilege in such a case.   The twice impeached, disgraced former president needs to be held accountable for fomenting the plot to overturn the 2020 election and it must be done in a timely manner.   Aside from Alito and Thomas, I'm reasonably certain the Supremes will vote for the rule of law as opposed to the Divine right of Kings.

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