Friday, December 8, 2023

our very own facts

       Recent polling on the economy shows a majority of Americans have a poor opinion of the economy at this point in the Biden administration's first term.  More than 70% of Republicans feel the economy is bad, despite the fact most of them view their own situation as good.  

     As Paul Krugman points out in today's NYT, you can show people the actual fall of inflation and the continued strength of the job market and you will be called an elitist snob who knows nothing about the lives of ordinary folks.  Studies have shown it takes two years of non inflationary growth before many  people feel comfortable with the economic situation.  In the case of Fox news viewers it may take a generation of good news to change their minds.   The relentless narrative at Rupert Murdoch's shop is any bad news is automatically Democrats' fault.  They are informing an entire generation of low information citizens to attribute any problem to the Dems.  As Rudy Giuliani has said, We have theories, we just don't have the evidence.


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