The Secretary of State of Maine has removed tRump from the ballot in that state's Republican primary, pending a decision by the Supreme Court on the merits of the case. Arguing Section 3 of the 14th amendment bars an insurrectionist from running for president seems a lot like wondering how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. You can always get the answer you are looking for.
Without a doubt, the conservative majority on the Court will get to the holding that enables Cheeto Jesus to run on all state ballots. That a different Court would find the opposite to be true is self evident. The history of the court is littered with bad faith decisions which have arguably led to worse outcomes than a second tRump presidency. Regardless of anything the court does, lovers of democracy should ignore the courtroom drama and work to defeat tRump at the ballot box by such a margin he will be consigned to history's dustbin.