Thursday, September 14, 2023

Too old or not too old

       Nate Silver, who made his reputation in the world of sports prognostication, has moved on and decided to try political punditry.  Besides boosting Meatball Ron for the presidency, Silver has taken to criticizing the "Dem leaning media" for not running endless stories speculating on Joe Biden's age and how he should drop out of the race.  This morning he was echoed by David Ignatius on NPR.  Ignatius is a superannuated columnist for the Washington Post who should take his own advice and retire.  However, there seems to be no age limit for bloviating wankers like him.

      Personally, I don't know how Biden manages the demands of the presidency at 80 years of age.  He is the leader of his party and is probably still has the best shot at beating tRump in a 2024 rematch.  Biden has been the most consequential Democratic president in the last 50 years.  If he feels he is up to the task, far be it for me or asshats like Silver or Ignatius to gainsay him.

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