Friday, September 15, 2023

once and again

       Now comes a biography of Mittens, telling us about how the noble protagonist listened to many elected Republicans, especially in the Senate, mock the twice impeached, 4 times indicted disgraced former president behind his back while swooning on TV.  The ghost of JFK should add a chapter for Romney in a revised edition of Profiles in Courage.   

      Romney has become an accidental hero to those opposing tRump and his assault on American democracy.   Having been elected to the Senate from his home state of Utah, I think Mitt figured he would serve a term in relative obscurity while working on a conservative, help the rich, agenda.  tRump's first impeachment and his vote to convict put paid to that narrative.  Thrust into the spotlight by those in the party who agreed with him in private while supporting the criming of tRump in public, Romney remained and remains the conscience of his party when it comes to tRump.

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