Monday, September 18, 2023

Ginning up the rubes

       While I don't put myself in the same category as the average MAGA tRump supporter in some significant ways, in some ways I am a mirror image of these conspiracist loons.  The average tRump supporter listens to hours of Fox News every day.  I listen to hours of MSNBC.    There is a qualitative difference of course, but Rachel Maddow has often indulged in breathless conspiracy theories which have  subsequently been debunked.   Those of us who subscribe to papers like the NYT and Washington Post and read some of the less partisan blogs get a somewhat more nuanced view of current events, but listening to Rachel's latest rant about Republican perfidy can certainly be satisfying in a visceral way.  

     I hate the idea that after 72 years and a degree with a political science major, I'm no more resistant to conspiracy theories than a recent high school graduate, but here we are in 2023.   It's Donald tRump's world and I'm just living in it.

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