Wednesday, September 20, 2023

AI is coming for your job

     Bill Gates appeared on MSNBC last night to tell us all that artificial intelligence is going to make us all smarter and more productive!   In the short run, he may be right.  As computing power increases, it will take over some of the tedious tasks in the knowledge economy.   AI can already scan ponderous legal briefs and documents to find nuggets off information which might otherwise be missed.  So far, so good.  However, what happens when true AI, with an IQ many times higher than any lawyer is put in charge of the case?

     Make no mistake, when true artificial intelligence is available, it will rapidly replace humans in 99% of cases.  From Supreme Court judges to the people who clean hotel rooms, true AI is coming for your job.  It won't happen overnight, or maybe it will.  With an intelligence of Einstein squared, who among us can tell what will happen?   Bill Gates, of all people should tell us the truth about the coming revolution.  

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