Friday, September 22, 2023

My Kev is heading for a reckoning

        Kevin McCarthy may go down in history as perhaps the least effective Speaker in US history, and that's probably the best he can hope for.  Worst case, he will be remembered as the catspaw of an authoritarian clown who dismantled this country's democracy.  He will forever be known by the sobriquet, "My Kev'', a casual reference by tRump to his number one toady.

      He is an incompetent toady to boot, judging by the crisis his promises to the extreme right wing of his caucus has generated.   He can't even get a spending bill to the floor, let alone debate it.  The nihilistic yahoos who hold the real power seem to think they can govern by temper tantrum and McCarthy is doing little to disabuse them.

     A government shutdown will do much harm to our economy an our reputation in the world as a sober nation.  The GOP and McCarthy will shoulder the lion's share of blame for the chaos which is the House of Representatives.  However, their voters must also share the blame for electing these clowns in the first place.  Allowing the party to come to this pass is a cooperative effort.

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