Wednesday, December 21, 2022

What George Santos' lies say about America

      It seems another tRump supporter has been shown as a pathological liar.   According to a recent NYT story, the recently elected congressman did not graduate from Baruch College, did not work for Goldman-Sachs and probably is in legal trouble in his home country of Brazil.   The New York State Democratic party is still trying to formulate some excuses for its laughable oppo research of Santos and the state's Republican party is bound to be criticized for not vetting him more extensively.

      I doubt it would have made much difference if everyone had done their diligence.   Much of Santos' district is in suburban Long Island which seems to be in the throes of Democrat derangement syndrome.  If tRump wins the 2024 GOP nomination for president, I'm sure he will carry Nassau and Suffolk counties by double digits.   Much like the Dixie Chicks and Texas, I am ashamed to say I grew up on L.I.

     What Santos' campaign says about America is we seem to live down to P.T. Barnum's oft quoted maxim concerning suckers, "  There's one born every minute".

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