Monday, December 12, 2022

Elon and crypto

     I don't know if Elon Musk endorses or invests in crypto currency, but I'm guessing he is in on both counts.  Oh, wait, he has been caught endorsing "dogecoin", whatever that is.   As his latest twitter rants show, he has the perfect conspiratorial mindset to be a big crypto booster.
     Musk has by now disabused anyone who bought into the "financially conservative, socially liberal" meme so many news organizations have fluffed him with.   It turns out he is as around the bend as that crazy uncle you will have to welcome into your home this holiday season.  It is no longer a liberal thing to prove your ideological bona fides by buying a Tesla.  It never was for many conservatives.  Who will buy what is essentially an overpriced vehicle that is increasingly matched or exceeded in quality by legacy auto manufacturers?
     Perhaps his next gig will be as a commenter on the Fox News financial desk.  The reputation of crypto needs another high profile billionaire booster.  

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