Thursday, December 15, 2022

AI is coming for you

       The release of a new AI program called ChatGPT is getting critics knickers in a twist.   Echoing the complaints of previous generations at the inception of any new technology, critics say the program, which can reason at the level of a reasonably bright high school student will lead inexorably to more cheating and less learning. 

      Personally, the image ChatGPT generates in my mind is the proverbial camel's nose getting underneath the tent.  Aside from some niggling criticism about how it will lead to less thinking at the high school and college level, most people aren't engaged with the next step in AI, when it becomes more intelligent than the average human.

      We aren't in Skynet territory yet, but sometime in the not to distant future we may be dealing with robot overlords.   The time to think about the ramifications of ChatGPT and similar programs is now.

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