That someone would waste their time voting for Herschel Walker for any position of trust is perhaps the easiest question about the 2022 elections to answer. It's all about the tribe. In this case the tribe of Republicans at any cost. Competence, dignity, decorum; Walker fails all three, yet he still has a shot to be elected to the US Senate.
If, in some parallel universe, Walker was running on the Democratic line, I find it hard to believe he would have garnered enough support to force a runoff election. Certainly the Lindsay Graham's of the world would be pointing out the hypocrisy of running a totally unqualified candidate mainly because of the color of his skin. Of course, that hasn't stopped the GOP from running any number of idiots for the Senate for that very reason.
Hopefully the overwhelming number of scandals Walker is dragging around with him will finally convince voters of his unfitness to serve, but I have a feeling this election will be closer than it should due to our ultra partisan politics.
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