Friday, December 23, 2022

Feeling the love

      It's hard to feel the Christmas spirit with a cold rain falling from a grey sky with more on the way.  All the carols in the world won't make sky lighten up and frankly, in many parts of the world, Santa will have to watch for anti-aircraft fire on Christmas Eve.   So, what's to celebrate?

      It's going to be family traditions which will redeem Christmas this year.   We'll gather on Christmas morning and celebrate another year with a festive brunch and thanks to the Divine Mrs. M a tree loaded with presents for one and all.  Later, we'll gather for dinner and count our blessings.  It doesn't sound too exciting, but that's what the holiday means to me.

      I hope all the readers of this blog celebrate the season in whatever way gives you the most joy.  Merry Christmas to all!!

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