Friday, November 27, 2015

The Day after

Now that we have given thanks for our many blessings, it is time to begin the "War on Christmas", at least according to some.   Black Friday, Local Saturday, Cyber Monday, etc.  are priming people for the orgy of spending that has come to define our celebration of the Winter Solstice.  I would guess most of us pay at least lip service to the birthday of western civilization's most influential philosopher, but "keeping Christ in Christmas" is an afterthought as the press of holiday events pushes us to the breaking point.   As those who think of themselves as Christians become a smaller part of the population, the whole reason behind the holiday becomes increasingly tenuous.  Kwanza, Festivus and other, pagan traditions are efforts to reconcile the American experience with Christian expressions of the holiday.  It's not your mother's Christmas anymore Virginia, but yes, there is a Santa Claus!

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