Monday, November 16, 2015

Paris and fear for the sake of fear

Everyone with an ounce of empathy should be uniting in solidarity with the citizens of Paris as they try to make sense of the tragedy of last Friday.  Using the terror attack as a political issue is another story.   Especially when politicians in the US, mainly republicans cast the coordinated attacks as a war on western civilization that must be responded to with military force.  This is the rabbit hole leading to a wonderland where privacy means unlimited government surveillance, peace means perpetual war and religion means Christianity.  Who would want to live in such a world.  Ted Cruz, I guess is one who would.   Why worry about killing innocent civilians by the thousand if we can take out one terrorist?  Obviously, the GOP presidential candidates can't argue with the fact no terrorist attacks have taken place on American soil on Obama's watch (as opposed to the Shrub), so they have to blame the government for being "weak on terror".  Give me a break...  Weakness is encouraging your constituents to fear for their safety as a political strategy.

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