Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Disheartening but predictable

The same folks who refused to try the Guantanamo detainees in US courts because they were terrorists are back to deny sanctuary to refugees fleeing the war in Syria.  As one republican put it, "out of 10,000, you may have 9,999 innocents and one fully trained terrorist and you have a problem.  The politics of fear are never ending strategy for republicans.  In the wake of 9/11, their only prescription for the American people besides shopping was to be very afraid and leave the governing to them.  You remember where that led.  Where is the trumpeting of our exceptionalism now?  We have the spectacle of republican governors threatening to deny Syrians haven in their states.  The politics of fear are ugly and they promote division among citizens.   Why do republicans on the one hand hold us up as manly men and on the other encourage us to hide under our beds and beg our politicians to protect us?  This emperor has no clothes and it's about time someone points this out.

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