Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ashamed of America

Since 9/11, 785,000 people have been admitted to the US under the refugee program.  Of those, 3 have been convicted on terrorism related charges.  The mostly republican politicians who would bar new refugees from Syria from settling in their states and in some cases expel those who have already settled there should be ashamed of their craven pandering to the worst instincts of their constituents.  Much like the failure of my country to accept 10,000 children fleeing the Nazis in 1939, we are again in danger of betraying our better natures.   When Chris Christie says he would reject a 3 year old orphan because of a potential danger at some time in the future it makes me sick.  Christie and others of his ilk dishonor everything we like to believe this country stands for.  Enough said.

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