Wednesday, November 18, 2015

An old embarrassing tradition

For those who are acutely embarrassed by the mean spirited lack of compassion shown by many politicians for Syrian refugees, know that they are acting in a time honored way and voicing the real feelings of many of their constituents.  When asked if the US should take in 10,000 Jewish children in 1939, 61% of Americans said no.  Why should we hold our representatives to a higher standard than we are willing to meet?   From the Know Nothing party of the 1840s to the "No Irish need apply" signs which appeared in the latter part of the century to today's birthers, truthers and climate deniers, ignorance has been a large part of our discourse.   Unfortunately, the descendants of many persecuted minorities are now the persecutors who would deny refugees the safety of America's shores.   The spectacle of Chris Christie proudly telling an interviewer he would deny succor to 3 year old Syrian orphans tells us all we need to know about America in 2015.  If the Statue of Liberty could weep, she surely would.  

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