Friday, June 6, 2014

Tiresome Fauxtrage

I think the country is finally getting its fill of stupidity that Fox news, Rush Limbaugh et al are peddling 24/7.   The hand wringing over the EPA's new emission standards for power plants and the macabre dance over the prisoner swap which returned Bowe Bergdahl after 5 years of captivity has, I think, finally gone over the top.  The spectacle of republicans begging off taking responsibility for opposing the science of climate change; "I'm not a scientist" being the new talking point is almost like Dorothy sweeping aside the curtain and exposing the great and powerful Oz as a meek snake oil salesman.  If that is the best Boehner and his merry men can do, I think the fight is over and the grown ups can finally start cleaning up the mess.  Likewise, the revulsion many feel as they see the right wing stagger in circles as they try to justify opposition to recovering a serviceman from enemy captivity is another wake up call to the vast majority of Americans.  As the mid term elections approach I hope this whiff of sanity extends to the ballot box.  Let's retire the crazies in favor of people who believer in science and are not blinded old prejudices.

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