Friday, June 13, 2014

The polarization of America

According to surveys of ordinary Americans, it seems we are increasingly sorting ourselves into groups who share the same ideology.  This causes an "us against them" syndrome which over time could lead to an unbridgeable gulf.   While I see signs of this, I don't think the situation is quite as dire as the results of the surveys would have you believe.  As a confirmed liberal/progressive, I count some very conservative republicans as friends.  We tend to laugh at each other's closely held beliefs, although if push came to shove I'm not so sure either side would back down if challenged.  However, most of us are just trying to get through each day.  We don't have time to debate the fine points of domestic and foreign policy.  I doubt 10% of the population are politically active.  Certainly the audiences for Fox news and MSNBC are just a tiny fraction of the population.  If anything, most people are too passive.  The quadrennial presidential sweepstakes are about the only contest which many people pay attention to.   If indeed we are more polarized, we are also becoming more apathetic.   Not a good combination.

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