Wednesday, June 25, 2014

And it came

We dodged it yesterday, but this morning the rain is here and it will be a mess when it is over.  An inch of rain on heavy, saturated soil will take another week to dry and we don't have a week before the next system is due.  Meanwhile, on the food front, Marc Bittman would like to redefine the word foodie to mean someone who is committed to real, unprocessed, sustainably grown food as opposed to the current meaning.  Watching cooking shows, patronizing trendy restaurants and pursuing exotic foods brings to mind a certain type of obnoxious jerk.  A real "foodie" as defined by Bittman is interested in food justice, including paying all those in the chain from the farm to the fork a living wage.  If more of us demand this kind of food and wages, the system will have to take note.  However, the powers of agribusiness, many of whom make their living pushing junk food will not sit idly by as their business model is destroyed. 

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