Tuesday, June 17, 2014

More media stupidity

Despite, or maybe because of the expenditure of trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives, the media and many of the discredited hacks from the shrub administration are calling for renewed involvement in Iraq.  The corrupt Shiite administration installed by the Bushies is rapidly disintegrating as the American trained Iraqi army wilts in the face of a few thousand determined jihadis.  If that is all it takes to topple this Franensteinian monster we created, I think it is time to pull the life support plug and let nature take its course.  Let the Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites figure out how to make the government work.  Trying to pick a winner out of that mess is like spending your lotto winnings after buying that $2.00 ticket.  What makes me crazy is the gravitas the media bestows on idiots like Paul Wolfowitz and the various hacks working for the Washington Post.  I'm surprised Dick Cheney has not been front and center on the Sunday morning shows telling us how losing Iraq is all Obama's fault.  If only we had left 30,000 troops in perpetuity things would be swell right now.  I think I hear the sound of helicopter rotors atop the US embassy.  Sound familiar?

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